Building Electrician


The student can acquire the following skills:

  • Identify and use electrical tools correctly
  • Learn to conduct electrical supplies and extensions
  • Learn how to install control panels for motors and generators
  • Maintenance of some malfunctions, such as changing lamps, stools, etc.
  • The ability to use a computer to draw electrical extensions, i.e. electrical maps
  • The ability to perform measurements by electrical devices


Courses First year Second year
Arabic 60 60
French language 60 60
English 60 60
Civic education 30 30
Physical education 30 30
Mathematics 120 120
Sciences(Physics, Chemistry) 60 60
Information Technology 30 30
General Electricity 60 60
Specialty Technology 60
Electrical Machines 60
Lighting 30
Workshops 420 390
Total 990 990

The workshop sessions include several domains:

  • General Technology
  • Electrical Measurements
  • Electrical Design
  • Electrical installation
  • Drawing using the computer
  • Electrical and Industrial Installations