Primary and Preschool Education


The student can acquire the following:

  • Teaching individuals the different types of science
  • Building the personality of the individual on values and principles
  • Teaching individuals the right things and how to distinguish them from bad things
  • Instilling the concept of laws and regulations in individuals and increasing their knowledge of their legal rights and their various duties
  • Helping the individual to adapt to the surrounding environment by acquiring the skills and knowledge that are appropriate for the environment


Courses First year Second year
Psychology and initiation to problems psychoanalysis 60   90
General pedagogy and history of pedagogical currents 120 90
Didactics of teaching the foreign language: French or English 60 60
Didactics of teaching the Arabic language 60 60
Didactics of mathematics education 60 30
Science Didactics 30 60
Children’s literature and youth 60 60
General culture 30 60
Infant medicine 30 30
Law 60
English 60
Practical work 630 600
Total 1200 1200

The workshop sessions include several domains:

  • Musical pedagogy
  • Psycho motor
  • Art and creativity
  • Work methodology and preschool pedagogy
  • Monograph: Case Study
  • Development of didactic material
  • Observation and participation internship
  • Participation and application internship
  • Initiation to theater pedagogy