Graphic Arts


• Learn to use computers to plan and design posters for adertising purposes

• Create an engineering composition that responds to various topics while respecting the laws of formation such as intersections, proportions, harmony,and style

• Study the history of photography and various techniques

Acquir practical knowledge of camera parts and materials (digital)

• Introduce the community to various products to market it, or to promote academic or commercial institutions

• Convince the consumer with the products or institutions by showing it in the perfect way and mentioning motivational reasons for it


Courses First year Second year Third year
Communication in  1st foreign language (French) 30 30 30
Communication in 2nd foreign language (English) 60   60 60
General Mathematics 60 60 60
Social Sciences 60 60 60
Law     60
Physical education 30 30 30
Advertising technology   60 60
The history of art 60 60 60
The rules of advertising design   60  
Arabic calligraphy and printing     60
Photography   30 60
Materials technology 60    
Practical work 600 540 480
Total 960 960 1020

The workshop sessions include several domains(First Year):

  • Perspective
  • Flat Plane decoration and advertising
  • Study of colors
  • Sketch
  • Calligraphy and Arabesque
  • Interior decoration
  • Architectural drawing
  • Artistic drawing
  • IT tools
  • CAD (Auto CAD) + Photoshop

The workshop sessions include several domains(Second and Third Year):

  • Sketch
  • Advertising sketch
  • Applied drawing and layout
  • Modeling
  • Latin Typing
  • Artistic drawing
  • Photoshop – Illustrator
  • Label