

  • Study how to implement electrical circuits and lighting extensions in buildings.
  • Studying how to implement telephone extensions
  • Learn the implementation of electrical maps
  • Learn how to do maintenance for electrical circuits
  • Learn how to check and make maintenance for all types of motors
  • Prepare technicians capable of inspecting and implementing electronic circuits
  • Studying how to install and equip machines of automatic control
  • Study programming through PLC and micro-controllers of control systems for electric machines and motors

Domains of work:

  • Management and supervision of the installation of electric maps
  • Automatic control
  • Work with electrical installations and networks


Courses First year Second year
1st foreign language  FR / EN 60
2nd foreign language FR / EN 60
Law 30
Mathematics 120 90
Physics 60
Industrial organization 30
Management and finance 30
Electricity : Electrostatic and magnetism 90
Electric circuits 90
Electric machines 120 120
Safety and protection 30
Automatic control system 90
Electric networks and protections 60
Lighting and electrical installation 60
Industrial automation (PLC) 60
Transmission and distribution of electric energy 90
Production of electric energy 60
Power electronics 60
Microcontroller 60
Electronics 90
Logic circuits 60
Workshops 420 420
Total 1230 1230

The workshop sessions include several domains:

  • Electricity : Installations and Measurements
  • Control of electric machines
  • Electric machines
  • Winding of the electric machines
  • Automation (PLC)
  • Electrical drawing by the computer
  • Electronics
  • Logic circuits
  • Micro-controller
  • Power electronics
  • Language C++